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In the last episode I talked about walking in Like The KING.

The fact that you should walk in as a boss because someday you will be there if you believe in it first.

And how anybody that we look up to as other big creators of success stories seem like overnight successes but actually figured out their belief and then built confidence over the last 10 to 20 years and they just kept going. 

I want to build on that a little bit because Philosophically it’s really helpful to realize that but how do we actually accomplish it?

You know the next time you post something, create a landing page, go into a meeting, or walk into your gym, or sports field, how do you walk in like you are the Queen, or King?

Swagger Sells, Humans Sell Too

You are a human right?
I know it’s a stupid question. 

But if it’s true, then you are a salesperson. 

Whether you like it or not you are selling who you are to the world. 

You are selling what you believe in and the important messages that you need to share.

 to sell is human.

And this idea of showing up like a king, showing up with swagger sells better than anything else. 

3 Steps To Stand On The Shoulders Of Giants

When I first started building any sort of personal brand I would look at authors like Austin Kleon and think I could never publish a book.

I would look at speakers like Brene Brown or Simon Sinek and think I could never stand on a stage like they do.
See people and more pop culture like musicians and artists with a bit of jealousy that they seem to create and share their art so simply and effectively. 

But the more I’ve gotten to meet and learn from people in these positions of pop culture power the more that I realize they’rereally no different than you or I.

Same goes for any business owner.

But before we have confidence, we need to trick ourselves into stealing from these artists.

Have the self esteem to believe in your version. 

First, borrow from what they do before you actually feel confident. 

Oh, and confidence is not a finish line.

It’s not like someday you get there and all of a sudden you’ve achieved confidence. It’s an infinite, forever game.

And it happens in three macro steps.

Starting with standing on the shoulders of giants.

Step one is believing that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to even if you have to pivot a hundred times along the way that you will get there. Believing deeply that if someone else has done it you can too.

Step two is to do your best to feel what they feel,  create how they create, dress similar to them and do the things that they have done to get to the position that they are in.

Give them credit and create like them.

Step three is to continue to add little elements of your own pizazz and personal creative control. Your work will look less and less like others. They way you show up will be more and more true to your own unique, confident styles.

Beware The Bullies

People who are uninspired or weak who are yet to switch their mindset want to drag you down. Don’t let him.

Way more people than you think, arguably anyone who’s had to start from the bottom and work their way up has achieved their success because they finally at some point started to believe that they were the owners of their life.

You need to believe that you own something.  that you own your empire like the King or Queen.

But people who don’t get it will judge you and will try to hold you back. 

You’ll come across vampires who want to suck your blood, robots trying to program you and ghosts that haunt you. 

It’s important to be aware of these bullies but not give them enough energy to slow you down. 

Who gives a shit If people don’t understand what you’re up to. Lean into people who get it!

And who cares if people look at you like you have two heads.

Because someday they’re going to look at you like you have 22 heads when you accomplish your dreams.

When all of a sudden they look up again and you are able to live the life you want to live, on your terms, when you are the one who has become bigger, faster, stronger and more accomplished while they’re still standing still watching.

Embrace your self worth. 

Develop your high-value mindset. 

Build your confidence through purposeful action. 

When you do this, you’ll find that the world not only accepts the judgment you place on yourself but begins to reflect back the success and influence you’re capable of achieving.

Oh, and keep going.


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Confidence, Personal Brand

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